A shared web hosting service refers to a web hosting service where many websites reside on one web server connected to the Internet. Each site “sits” on its own partition, or section/place on the server, to keep it separate from
How to Install WordPress Manually Using cPanel
This step-by-step guide will teach you how to manually install WordPress using cPanel. Problems with the 1-Click Installers One of the biggest issues with 1-click setups is that they are not all the same. Some of them allow you to
Setup an Email Account on cPanel
The First Step is to login to your cPanel Control Panel. You should be able to login at: http://www.Your_Domain.com:2082 (where Your_Domain.com is your actual Domain). NOTE: All actions described in this Article will be Done from the “Mail” Section of
Managing Email Accounts on cPanel Servers
This Article Includes: Managing Your Email User Accounts, Email Aliases and Forwards, Spam Filtering, Blacklist and Whitelist, Setting a Catch-All, Account Filters, User Filters, and Auto Responders. Scroll Down to the Blue Heading you Need Assistance with. The First Step
How to Install WordPress Manually Using cPanel
This step-by-step guide will teach you how to manually install WordPress using cPanel. Problems with the 1-Click Installers One of the biggest issues with 1-click setups is that they are not all the same. Some of them allow you to