People today use internet for almost everything, from a simple transaction like buying an article online to more complex ones. Bank accounts, shops anything and everything can be achieve in the comfort of your home through internet. Internet has revolutionized
Strides Made in Green Computing
The motivation to go green has not only increasingly become part of many company’s corporate social responsibility but also as an aspect of remaining relevant in the future business environment. Besides, there are more and more environmental concerns that can
Advantages of Dedicated Servers Over VPS
It is so important to choose the right web hosting solution for your company. Web Hosting companies now offer a wide range of options of hosting solutions like shared hosting, VPS, managed hosting and dedicated servers. However the most popular
Importance of Hardware Firewalls and PCI Compliance
It’s very important that businesses are compliant and up to date with the PCI requirements for firewalls. Firewalls need to be configured to your unique business environment, if you fail to do so hackers may be able to access and
Importance to Stay with Current Windows Update on Windows Server
Keeping your Windows up to date is vital for the security of your system, especially of your windows server. Windows Update is a free Microsoft service that’s used to provide updates like service packs and patches for the Windows operating