The First Step is to login to your cPanel Control Panel. You should be able to login at: (where is your actual Domain).
Email Forwarders and Aliases: On cPanel Servers Email Aliases are referred to as “Forwarders”.

An email account forwarder allows a copy of any email sent to one email address to be forwarded to another email address. This lets you use one account to check mail sent to several email addresses.

#1. After Logging Into your Control Panel, Click on the “Forwarders” Icon.

#2. The Top section of the Page will Show any Exsisting Forwards you have setup. NOTE: Forwards can NOT be Edited. They can only be deleted. If you have an error in a Email Forward, simply delete it and then set it up again.

To Add a New Email Forwarder Click on the “Add Forwarder” Button Located directly beneath your exsisting Forwards.

#3. In the “Address to Forward:” Field Add the User Name You wish to setup as a Email Forward. Example: If you wish to setup an email forward as (where is your actual Domain). Then in the Email Field Type: tom

#4. From the Drop Down Menu (to the right of the Email Field) select the Domain you are setting the email up for (applicable only if you have add-on domains or sub-domains).

#5. Destination: In the “Forward to email address:” Field Type in the Full email address you wish to forward the email to.

NOTE: You may optional select “Discard with error to sender (at SMTP time)” This means that any emails sent to this email address will bounce back to the sender with the message you specify in the “Failure Message (seen by sender):” Field.

#6. Click the “Add Forwarder” Button.       Click the “Go Back” Button to return to the Forwarders Section or to Return to your cPanel Main Page Click the little “Home” Icon (top/left corner of Page).

– Forward ALL Emails to Your Domain – You may optionally Forward all emails sent to your domain ( by Clicking on the “Add Domain Forwarder” at the Bottom of the Forwarders Page.

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Managing Email Aliases and Forwards

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